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RBS Ag Consulting

The agriculture industry is full of hardworking, innovative people that have the same overall purpose in mind... providing quality food, fiber and fuel for the world. However, the industry also faces some challenges including, not enough hours in the day and not enough full time office employees. Therefore, office work gets put on the back burner and results in out of date material or missed opportunities. That is why RBS Ag Consulting was established.



The owner

I grew up on an agriculture operation and helped my dad for years as an extra set of hands for association events and programs.  I then started my professional career working on behalf of agriculture in Washington, D.C. as well as the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, so I understand how agriculture associations and operations tick.


Let me help you achieve more by providing that extra set of hands and fresh perspective.

Rossie Stephens

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Virtual Assistant Services

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