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other services

In addition to Website Design, Database Maintenance and MyHerd Services I provide the following additional services.  If you are interested in services that are not listed below, please let me know what the project requires and we will discuss how I can meet your needs.

state cattlemen's Associations

​If you are interested in services that are not listed below, please let me know what the project requires and we will discuss how we can meet your needs. â€‹â€‹
  • Membership recruitment and retention brainstorming and guidance

  • Convention registration and coordination

  • Program design, development and execution

  • Email Marketing through MailChimp

  • Social Media Creation & Management

  • Social Media Marketing 

Agriculture Associations & Individual Producers

If you are interested in services that are not listed below, please let me know what the project requires and we will discuss how we can meet your needs. â€‹

  • Email Marketing through MailChimp

  • Social Media Creation & Management

  • Social Media Marketing 


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